We need to protect our assets and investmentsFamily-Trusts from exposure to predators.

Family Trusts are often a very useful tool in achieving this objective.

Before getting into the details surrounding Family Trust in NZ, ask yourself some simple questions:

  • Are my assets protected?
  • What happens to my assets in a marriage break up?
  • What would happen to my assets in a remarriage after the death of a spouse?
  • Will my children make unwise investments?
  • Are there any taxation benefits that would apply in your case?

If the answer to any of these questions causes you to be concerned about your assets being potentially at risk, a family trust administration may be a useful tool for you.

Family trusts allow you the benefit and use of assets even though you do not own them. This is achieved by transferring ownership of personal assets to the trust. The management of these assets is the responsibility of the trustees who must manage these assets in accordance with the provisions of the trust deed for the benefit of the beneficiaries.

At Accounting North, we’ll be your guide to help you understand how family trusts work in Auckland. We know that you can greatly benefit from utilizing family trusts; not only does it protect ownership of your assets while you are still alive, you can also transfer the legal ownership while still be able to use and enjoy them for your own purposes. Our team of professional consultants have the combined experience and necessary skills to help you understand this rather intricate process, helping you set up your own family trusts in Auckland for your benefit and the people you’ll be entrusting them with.

Read our white paper for further detail on how Auckland family trusts operates and what the benefits and associated costs are.